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Anguish - an·guish

Definition... Agonizing physical or mental pain, or torment.

Mental anguish is something everyone suffers through. It takes over man's cognitive abilities, and sends them into a world of irrational behavior.

It is how one learns to cope with the tormen and the pain that defines who he/she is.

Some people have a negative reaction to mental anguish. They allow themselves to lash out and take the pain out on others. It can be verbally, emotionally, or physically. In some cases it can be extreme and be deadly.

Others learn other coping mechanisms.

Some may keep it inside and try to figure out the source and logical solution to the pain, and others may go speak with family, friends, and counselors.

How one learns to cope, ultimately defines the path a persons life takes.

It will inevitably be positive, or negative.

Since we last heard from the SCW Adrenaline Champion, his mood has apparently begun to sour due to the actions of SCW Chairman, Mr. Drachewych. It apparently is to the point Jake has become a recluse in his own house as he contemplates what exactly was meant when he was told he owed Mr. Drachewych a "favor." This change in attitude has gotten Roeper worried enough to phone up Jake's nephew, and fellow professional wrestler, Thören Holt, to see if he can get through to her husband, and get him refocused. As the scene fully fades in, Thören is seen walking up the sidewalk to the front door of the Starr residence. He knocks on the door, and footsteps are heard walking up. As the door opens, Roeper sees Jake's nephew standing there. The camera view switches to behind Roeper, and their conversation can immediately be heard.

Roeper Hart: Oh good you're here!

Thören Holt: Hey Roeper!

Thören kisses Roeper on the cheek and walks in the door.

Thören Holt: ... So now what's going on?

Roeper Hart: Honestly, I wish I knew!

Thören Holt: Where's Jake?

Roeper Hart: He's in the trophy room, but that's part of the problem...

Thören Holt: Why? He getting too full of himself again?

Roeper Hart: I wish... I know how to bring him down off of that soapbox...

Thören Holt: Trust me we all do!

Roeper Hart: Yeah... Anyway, ever since Mr. Drachewych approached Jake and told him that he "owed" him, Jake hasn't been right.

Thören Holt: How so?

Roeper Hart: It began with him just continuously saying he "wasn't anyoneís puppet" and "he earned this himself," and it has snow-balled to him staring at his old championships and mumbling to himself...

Thören Holt: He losing it?

Roeper Hart: Nah... Again, that would be easy!

Thören Holt: Ha ha! Has Shawn tried talking to him?

Roeper Hart: Once... Then he had and Roxie had family things to tackle, so I figured you were next in line to maybe get through to him...

Thören Holt: Makes sense...

Roeper Hart: ... Or at least figure out what is going on with him...

Thören Holt: Well... Can you kind of give me some clue as to what is happening? I want to have a good idea before I just barge in there and play psychiatrist to my uncle...

Roeper Hart: Sure... You seen any of the recent stuff in SCW?

Thören Holt: I caught the pay per view where he got the Adrenaline Championship, but since then I have been on the road myself...

Hearing that Thören is a bit behind on the happenings of Supreme Championship Wrestling, Roeper quickly gives him the rundown.

Roeper Hart: Ok let me get you up to speed...

Thören Holt: Ok...

Roeper Hart: Since Retribution Jake has had one match...

Thören Holt: Ok...

Roeper Hart: He wrestled Leon Logan, one of the guys from that Fatal Five-Way match, won, and then was confronted by Mr. Drachewych later in the night. Drachewych told Jake that, since he was given the "gift" of the title shot at Retribution, Jake "owes him a favor."

Thören Holt: Oh wow...

Roeper Hart: Yeah... I think his exact words were something like, "... when I need something done... Well... I may just come to you and you have a lovely reminder on your shoulder to tell you what I did for you."

Thören Holt: That's messed up!

Roeper Hart: You're telling me. It has him all kinds of confused...

Thören Holt: Is that all that's happened?

Roeper Hart: Yeah... He does have a match at this next edition of Breakdown, and he needs to make sure he's focused on that too!

Thören Holt: Alright!

Roeper Hart: You are now up to speed!

Thören Holt: Ok... Let me go see what I can get out of him...

Roeper Hart: I appreciate it Thören!

Thören Holt: We're family! This is what we do!

Thören turns from Roeper and walks down the hallway of Jake's house, towards his "trophy" room. The scene fades as he disappears around a corner, and slowly fades back in inside the room where Jake mounts and keeps all of the championship belts he has won in his career. The walls are almost completely covered with display cases holding various championship belts, from various organizations. As the camera pans across the room, Jake is sitting on a couch staring at his various accomplishments. To a normal wrestler, reflecting on a career like this would bring happiness and a sense of accomplishment, the look on Starr's face suggests disappointment. From the view of Jake on the couch, the door from the hallway can be clearly seen. Thören is seen coming up the hallway, and entering the room with his uncle.

Thören Holt: Jake...

Jake Starr: Oh... Hey...

Jake's voice is noticeably somber and quiet.

Thören Holt: How you doing man?

Jake Starr: I'm alive...

Thören takes a seat next to his uncle on the couch. He assumes a similar position to Starr, staring at the wall, laden with championships.

Thören Holt: Are we reflecting on your stellar career? Or is this just a place you come to stare blankly?

Jake Starr: Stellar career?

Thören Holt: Yeah... You realize all these belts belong to you right?

Jake Starr: Do they?

Thören Holt: Umm... Yeah? I have seen the highlights that show you winning them...

Jake Starr: You sure about that?

Thören Holt: Dude...

Thören stands up and walks over to the wall, and points at one of the championship belts.

Thören Holt: ... You remember this one? This is the first championship you ever won in your career. It was back in WOW right?

Jake Starr: That belt... Yeah...

Thören Holt: First match of your career and you win the WOW Intercontinental Championship... That's a good thing!

Thören points at another title.

Thören Holt: This one here... OWF Intercontinental Championship... First championship ever handed out by the OWF, and you beat Playa to win it.

Thören moves down another belt.

Thören Holt: Here's your GOW World Heavyweight Championship. First, and only, Heavyweight Champion in the history of GOW...

Jake finally chimes in.

Jake Starr: And thus far, you know what they have in common?

Thören Holt: You won them!

Jake Starr: No... I had to pretend to be someone else, and be whoever the bosses wanted, to win them... Jake Starr didn't do it...

Thören Holt: What?

Jake Starr: Do you not get it? In order to have ever been recognized and gotten chances in other federations, I had to be someone other than myself... Jake Starr, as Jake Starr, hasn't ever gotten ONE shot at a World Heavyweight Championship. I've had to be a puppet to the management in order to get anything, and I swore to myself, and my family, I wasn't going to let that happen again, and by the sounds of it, it has...

Desperate to get through to Starr, Thören moves down to another championship...

Thören Holt: Here... Here's the one you always said was one of the ones you were most proud of. This is your OWF World Heavyweight Championship...

Jake Starr: Do you not realize I had go under the name "Triple H" to win that? And that GOW Championship... That was supposed to be the "second coming" of the OWF after it closed, and did Jake Starr get the chance to win that? No! That one was won by "Bobby Denton."

Thören goes to point at another belt, and Jake quickly jumps in.

Jake Starr: That belt, that was the UHW World Heavyweight Championship... A belt coveted, at the time, more than any other belt in the business. You know what I had to do to win that?

Thören Holt: Yeah but I'm sure I'll get to hear it again...

Jake Starr: I had to cover myself in blue paint, looking like an outcast from the Blue Man Group, wear red contacts, and call myself "Thrawn." I didn't get to be myself!

Thören Holt: Dude... Who cares! Everyone knows that, regardless of what you were called, how you looked, it was YOUR TALENT that won those belts.

Jake Starr: That's not the point man... The point is, in order to have gotten any recognition, I had to do exactly what the "powers that be" wanted. I left this damn business because I thought I would never get the recognition as who I am. The fire was relit, I come back, and Drachewych decides to play me the same way. I receive credit because he gives me some "favor?" What in the hell happened to me beating the s#it out of everyone he's thrown my way?

Thören Holt: I understand dude... But have you ever thought of maybe just making things happen and fighting back instead of just doing as your told?

Jake Starr: Yeah... And look at the guys who have done that in history. Only one person in the history of this business has succeeded by "fighting the power," and that's Steve Austin.

Thören Holt: Why can't there be another?

Jake Starr: What? Like a "Second Coming of Christ" when it comes to fighting the authority-figures?

Thören Holt: If you want to put it that way...

Jake Starr: Whatever man...

Jake rests his hand on his head as he expresses a sigh about the matter. Thören returns to looking at the display cases. He droops his head in frustration due to Jake's stubbornness in the matter. He takes a deep breath and picks his head back up. He spins around to try one more time to get through to Jake.

Thören Holt: You know bro... There is another person who went down this same path and overcame it, and ultimately had the career of his dreams...

Jake Starr: Uh huh... Who?

Thören Holt: Your father... He started out hated by the crowd. He was going around hated by the crowds. He did the corporate thing, and got plenty of chances to be the top dog.

Jake Starr: I know my father's story...

Thören Holt: You may, but you're not thinking about it very hard. He finally got tired of sucking management c0ck, and finally stood up to the bosses. You did what you were told for years, now it's time for you to step up and do something for yourself. Don't let this Drachewych guy try and make you another corporate puppet...

Jake Starr: How do I honestly know I won't let it just happen again?

Thören Holt: You're not the same person as you were back then. You have a better mentality now-a-days than you did back in the day...

Jake Starr: I hope you're right bro...

Thören Holt: I know I am! And you know I am deep down!

Thinking that maybe he has gotten through to Jake, Thören now refocuses the conversation on Soopaman Luva and Breakdown.

Thören Holt: Now with that covered, are you mentally ready for this match at Breakdown?

Jake Starr: Yeah... Why wouldn't I be?

Thören Holt: This whole Drachewych thing could have gotten you sidetracked mentally...

Jake Starr: I don't get sidetracked when it comes to my matches. Besides... I could go into this match at 10% and still win...

Thören Holt: Really?

Jake Starr: Yeah. I am not concerned about this guy...

Thören Holt: Who is he?

Jake Starr: Some ganja-smoking retard named Soopaman Luva...

Thören Holt: Isn't he another one of those guys from that five person match you had at Retribution?

Jake Starr: Yeah... He was one of them. I was shocked he was able to stumble all of the way down to ringside.

Thören Holt: He have a trail of smoke following him?

Jake Starr: Tried not to pay too much attention. I have no need for a second-hand high...

Thören Holt: I don't blame you...

Jake Starr: Nevertheless, he's a big talker... When he actually talks that is...

Thören Holt: I don't get to see much of the SCW with my schedule, which sucks...

Jake Starr: With the guys thrown in my path so far, you haven't missed anything!

Thören Holt: They have been that bad?

Jake Starr: Pretty rough dude...

Thören Holt: Wow...

Jake sighs.

Jake Starr: I really hope you're right about Drachewych...

Thören Holt: Quit dwelling on that man... There are bigger things to deal with out there right now...

Jake Starr: Like?

Thören Holt: Honestly... Getting through this match at Breakdown... In my opinion that's the top priority for you.

Jake Starr: I told you... He's nothing to worry about!

Thören Holt: Regardless... You can't just look past anyone!

Jake Starr: This fool isn't anyone to worry about period. I'm not looking past him. I don't have anyone to look past him for anyway!

Thören Holt: Your mind is so fixated on Drachewych you're treating him like another opponent. You don't even know if it's going to be something that pulls your personal morals into question. Until then you need to snap out of this damn funk, quit being a boob about it, and be the f_cking "Social Misfit" everyone knows you are.

Jake Starr: Trust me I'm trying...

Thören Holt: Don't you realize Soopaman Luva is going to think you're all wigged out because of him? You really think he deserves that kind of mentality? If he's as pathetic as you say, why give him ANY idea that he might be the cause of your problems?

Jake quickly turns his head towards his nephew, obviously annoyed with the notion that Soopaman Luva has anything to do with his recent change in mood.

Jake Starr: Stupidman isn't doing any of this! His is nothing more than a pathetic piece of garbage, who isn't worthy of being in this business. I am absolutely sick of the thought that he, of all people, is trying to share the spotlight with me. He doesn't come anywhere near deserving that kind of attention. Jake Starr is the premier talent SCW has to offer, and everyone knows it. These half-wits that seemingly get thrown in my path are simply for my ego. Nobody anticipates these guys to have any chance of beating me. Stupidman doesn't deserve to be in the ring with a champion...

Thören Holt: I'm glad you're starting to realize it...

Jake Starr: What?

Thören Holt: That you're a champion...

Jake Starr: Oh..

Thören Holt: This whole doubting yourself is stupid. Face it Jake... No matter the nomenclature, Jake Starr won these belts. Just like records by O(+> were really made by Prince...

Jake Starr: Yeah... But still, the thought will linger until I know more.

Thören Holt: Lingering is one thing... Ruling your life is a completely different story!

Jake Starr: Agh! Stupidman still just infuriates me... I don't get why someone like him would even think he belongs in my world. He is a sham of a wrestler, has only one once by accident, is laughed at by the fans because he's a sideshow freak, and overall just sucks... He's incoherent, pointless, and dumb! Why would anyone actually cheer this guy on? It doesn't register with me... Seriously! When he speaks it is like listening to a combination of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck all hen-pecking like little schoolgirls about how everything Democrats and Liberals do is bad. It is that damn annoying!

Thören Holt: That's bad!

Jake Starr: I know! I've had to sit through people listening to Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, and didn't have a means to keep the mindless drivel from entering my skull... It sucked!

Thören Holt: And you lived?

Jake Starr: Not by choice in those incidents!

With Jake's mood noticeably perking up, Thören makes a suggestion towards his uncle.

Thören Holt: So now that you're feeling some better... Let's get out of here and do something that can just set your mind at ease for a bit...

Jake Starr: Fair enough... Figure Roeper might be happy I'm getting out of this room too...

Thören Holt: Oh I'm sure you're exactly right there my friend...

Jake finally rises off of the couch where he has firmly been planted since he was last seen by SCW fans. The scene slowly fades out as Jake and his nephew are seen rounding the corner to head towards the main area of the house. With these final words being heard before Breakdown, the ball firmly stands in the court of the SCW Adrenaline Champion for his match, but it is unknown about his possible confrontation with Mr. Drachewych. The continued speculation about the nature of the "favor" owed to the Chairman of SCW by his Adrenaline Champion continues to mount. Will Breakdown hold all of the answers, or any at all?

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